💚 What are your favourite songs, albums and memories of Taylor Hawkins and the Foo Fighters? Amongst the tragedy of his passing, there’s a celebration of such incredible music. One of my all time Foo’s tracks has to be ‘The Pretender’ + I love 2011’s ‘Wasting Light’ album, an astonishing body of work. 👌
So, what can I say that hasn’t already been said about Taylor? He lit up the stage and was clearly one of the finest drummers of his generation. But more than anything else, he portrayed the spirit of rock ’n’ roll. He wasn’t concerned with appearing cool or had any interest in towing the perceived lines of credibility. He liked what he liked and championed the bands he loved – it wasn’t about a popularity contest, he was the very embodiment of joy through music and clearly revelled in the fact that he could do what he loved for his job – something that he never kept a secret.
I met him twice over the years and although I never got to know him, he came across like a wide eyed kid, brimming with excitement and fun – it was infectious.
I’ve been a Foo Fighters fan from day one, they bridged the gap between hard rock and global popular appeal in a way no-one else in recent times has managed. The songs are pure guitar driven, alternative pop, clothed in a classic rock aesthetic that allows anyone to like them. So much of that appeal is in the effortless way Taylor, Dave Grohl and the rest of the guys welcome us all in with open arms – no quasi, pseudo intellectualising with these lads, just pure love of the music and a bright happiness that cannot be ignored. Much love ❤️
. Official Websites: https://www.foofighters.com/