The first single from Wayward Sons as yet untitled third studio album release is here!
EVEN UP THE SCORE is asking the question: ‘do you know yourself?’ and by extension, ‘are you aware of the consequences your words and actions have?’
So much of modernity is now ruled by the soundbite, the one line and the knee jerk reaction. We all hide behind screens and believe we have a right to say anything we want no matter whether backed up by truth or not, or how much it may hurt or discredit, often without evidence.
The song challenges the listener to take a step back, a breath and to think before you speak or act – to draw back from vitriol, from hate and ill informed judgement and find an EVEN KEEL, a more level place to view the world and others.
Before we decide we are right, shouldn’t we be willing to consider that we may be wrong?
In a world of desperate imbalance, it is a choice to add to it or address our own imperfections and prejudices.
‘Even Up The Score’ is available to stream/watch/buy now from all the usual digital outlets: